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Butikk Oslo

Butikk Megahjul Oslo

Åpningstider Butikk Oslo / Dekkverksted:

Se åpningstider på hovedsiden.
Varer på lager i Fredrikstad leveres i Oslo 1-3 dager senere.
Varer på eksterne lokale lagre leveres i Oslo på 1-3 dager.
Varer på EU lager leveres normalt på 5-14 dager i Oslo og Fredrikstad. Fraktforsinkelser kan oppstå.
Drop-in service alle dager, men noe begrenset kapasitet i høysesongen. Husk å handle i
i lavsesong når prisene på både produkt og arbeid er mye lavere.

Butikk Oslo

Megahjul - felger og dekk Oslo butikk
Stålfjæra 25 Oslo0975
Tlf: 693 60 800
Zax Wheels, upgrade your EV

About us

Safe Bil AS was established in 2012 and is a company experiencing a very healthy growth rate, and with a solid ownership structure including NOK 8,0 mill. in share capital in addition to loans and guarantees. The corporate purpose is to provide the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions for tires and rims via the configurator here at Megahjul.com. The software, XCylon, is being developed by our group companies in cooperation with us that daily work in Safe Bil AS. The people that work in Safe Bil As are experienced engineers, economists, and IT-professionals in a perfect mix. We gather knowledge og data each day, which is being added to our databases for car-models, pictures, articles, rims and tires. This makes the website more intelligent each day, and provides both a better experience and price for the customer.

If you represent companies in this industry and want to know more about how we rent out the software running this site, with or without content, do not hesitate to contact.

Opening hours


Hours Shop / Tyre Workshop:
Monday - Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Saturday: closed


The Oslo department has now moved to Fredrikstad.
New assembly partners in Oslo area may start Q1- 2025

Contact us

Shop Fredrikstad / Tires Workshop

Shop Oslo / Tires Workshop